William E. Ketchum III - also known as a member of the Identical Variant team, and manager of BLAT! Pack artists sponsored by iV - wrote a blog on his web site about the pros of using a Moleskine notebook instead of a phone's notepad or ToDo applications. An excerpt below:
4.) Notebooks are fly.Remember when a smartphone was a fashion statement? A Blackberry was a sign of a no-nonsense businessman on the go, while the iPhone was emblematic of the young, trendy guy or gal in the city. Those days are gone. Now, smartphones are so ubiquitous and easy to find that unless you own a customized device or an over-priced designer phone, you’re no different from everybody else. But my Moleskine is as much of an accessory as my watch or my necklace. It’s a conversation starter every time I unsheath the soft leather notebook from my back pocket, and when you feel fly, you work fly. I find myself taking it out to appear productive as much as I do to be productive, and those two things perpetuate each other.
For the rest of the entry, CLICK HERE.
[via SpeechIsMyHammer.com]