Today's iV Angel is a new addition to the family: Divania "Vannie" Sykes. When she isn't matching our fly in front of the camera, the Flint, Mich. native is pushing toward a marketing degree at Texas Southern University. But if you're going to hold a conversation with Vannie, know what you're getting into - as the interview below shows, she has some weird tastes.
Birthplace & Current Stomping Grounds:
I was born in Flint, MI &I now live in Houston, TX.
Favorite iV shirt, or iV shirt that best describes your personality, and why? What appeals to you about Identical Variant's clothing and brand?
The shirt that best describes my personality is the black "I'm Dope Get Over It." Because just as it says im DOPE and it makes me feel so "bad @$$." Identical Variant is so different! It's not another clothing label that is this unique to me and the prices are so reasonable.
Lifetime goals?
Right now I attend Texas Southern University, pursuing my BBA in Marketing, which I plan on completing in 2.5-3 years. Then I plan on doing internships here and there, and then going to grad school at Harvard University or The University of Texas to pursue my masters in Business. I will be working in the entertainment industry as a marketing director.
TV show/movie you can't live without?
I can't live with out Law& Order: SVU, it's so amzing. I love that show. I can watch it over and over and over.
What makes you different?
I must be honest I am super weird. I try to do things without people noticing; there have been many times Randall has caught me with the camera doing weird things. I love eating peanut butter and grapes, so yummy, but everyone thinks I'm weird. I used to watch "Trading Spaces" all the time on TLC; nobody likes that, but I used to love it. I would get home from school and go right to watching that ALL day! Simple things make me happy and smile, what makes me different though is that standing on my head and talking to myself makes me super relaxed and happy. I can be supper mean, and I sometimes say things that shouldnt be said, but I am always 100% honest. If you ask me a question I'm going to be real with you!!
With iV, all the models have different personalities. I'm the hard core biker chick and I love it, because I'm the youngest and I act the toughest, but I love all my big "Angel" sisters. I can't explain why I act this way, its just me!! Ms. Perfectly Imperfect.